Starting up a business can be exciting, complicated, and nerve-wracking all at the same time. If you are an entrepreneur, there are two people you will need to have on speed dial when your business is first developing: an accountant and a business lawyer.

Many business owners see the need for an accountant. Setting up accountants, handling payroll, and filing taxes are just a few of the duties business accountants can take care of for companies. However, the need for a business lawyer is often less obvious to new business owners.

A business lawyer acts as a trusted advisor who can guide you through the complex process of starting a business. Anything from reviewing and drafting agreements, creating service contracts, showing you what licenses and permits you will need, quarterbacking complex transactions, helping you decide how to deal with rough decisions by advising of your risk and helping you navigate through disputes are just a few ways a trusted business law advisor is invaluable to a new and growing business.

It is also important to structure your business correctly from the get-go so you don’t incur thousands of dollars in legal and accounting fees later on down the road due to poor planning.

Remember, when you hire a business lawyer to help you out with the legal necessities of your company, you only need one. Pick a lawyer you can trust and then continue to develop that relationship as your business begins to thrive.


Need a business lawyer in Toronto ON? Contact us at Grinhaus Law Firm. We offer high-quality legal services, flat-rate pricing, and free consultations. Give us a call today!