Though many people may be more comfortable going about day-to-day business without thinking of such terrible things as a life-costing accident or illness, the truth of the matter is, such a terrible occurrence is…

The incorporation of a business is a big step for many business owners. The process should be fully understood and considered by any responsible business owner before acting and making the decision to…

The incorporation of a business can be a long and complicated process, but it is also one that offers a variety of advantages; for example, owners of incorporated businesses frequently obtain a large degree of…

Wills are a necessity in many more cases than the average person would like to realize. The excuses of being young or not having enough of an estate as to warrant a concern are, unfortunately, not valid arguments…

The incorporation of a doctor’s medical practice, much like any other type of incorporation, is the legal process by which a company becomes a legal entity in the eyes of the law. Incorporated businesses are treated…

Tax reduction is a prime concern for many small businesses, especially those just starting up or looking to make a change in the company; the difference between two rates of taxation may mean the difference in…

Aaron Grinhaus of Grinhaus Law Firm, located in Ontario, Canada, offers professional legal help concerning tax and business law, including Ontario business incorporation, wills and estate planning. He offers trusted…

Many people tend to hesitate to hire or seek the assistance of a wills lawyer or an estate planner – and for an understandable reason. For one, not many of us relish the idea of thinking of a time when we are gone…

An incorporation is a great option for owners of small businesses who are looking to change the dynamics of their companies. Incorporation is the creating of a separate legal entity out of your business. This entity is…